Need to Identify and Care for A Dracaena Reflexa


I have had this plant for a long time, but do not know what it is or how to properly care for it. This is what it looked like when I bought it. Lately it seems to be loosing a lot of leaves (turn yellow and fall off leaving empty stalks), but has new sprouts and growth coming up as well. Can you tell me how to best care for this plant? Thank you for you help.


HousePlant With Purple Spath is Anthurium

Hi Judy
We were given this plant as a gift, unfortunately with no identification tag or care label, it bloomed shortly after we were given it (about a year ago) producing a beautiful purple flower. It reminded me of a lily, but the leaves are not the same as what we have found for lilies online. It has not bloomed since. Would love to know what you think it is, how to care for it better, and how I could encourage it to bloom once more.
Thanks so much!

HousePlant Identified as FoxTail Fern

Dear Judy, I have had a lovely fern-like plant for almost 30 years, it has long tail-like spiky fronds that grow 4-5 feet in length and produces funny grape-shaped bulbs in the soil. When the soil and bulbs start pushing up over the edge of the pot, I hack away 2/3 of the roots and bulbs and re-pot the remaining 3rd in fresh potting soil. And it thrives! What is it??? I have been told it’s NOT an asparagus fern but i does produce very tiny pale yellow flowers and an occasional pea-sized maroon colored dry berry. Thanks for any insight you can provide 🙂

How to Care for a Caladium Plant

I got this plant from my mother-in-law but I’m not sure how to care for it. The stems seemed to have dropped a bit since I got it and some of the baby leaves that were coming in have dried up and died. The soil in the pot seems very dense as when I water it, the water stays on top for about 5 to 8 seconds before it filters through. Can you help me identify this plant and tell me how to care for it? I have attached pictures.

What’s Wrong With My Plant- Can You Identify My Plant?

Hi Judy,

I have had this plant for a few years. It was a gift and I’m not sure what it’s called. It has some spotting on the heart shaped leaves. It has always been easy to take care of but recently it seems to be dying and I’ve tried everything… Watering, not watering, trimming, I even repotted it just in case. All the leaves have curled in lengthwise and everyday about 4 or 5 are turning yellow and falling off… They are all limp feeling. I’m even losing a lot of the bigger leaves. I have switched the rooms to give it less sun or more sun and I’m out of ideas, please help!!