Are Holly Berries Poisonous?

I want to use Holly stems and berries as decorations but a friend said holly berries were poisonous to dogs and cats. Are Holly berries poisonous?

Indoor Houseplant “Tree” Needs Your Help! Dracaena Marginata

Greetings Judy. I’m in Ohio, bought this plant and a “snake” plant from a guy on the side of the road about 4-5 weeks ago. It was cool and windy out that November day. When I got the plant home, the leaves began to brown and drop. I was thinking it was just from the shock, or maybe the draft from the window I sat it in front of. i moved it away from the window and near my turtle tank, which had a UVB bulb. It’s been about 3 weeks now and it just doesn’t seem to be getting better. Please ID this for me, helpful hints would be appreciated as well. The snake plant died and I’m at a loss…~Chelle

Queen of the Night Cactus – Epiphyllum oxypetalum

I’m hoping you can help me identify this plant. It’s growing well, but only stems with shoots off of that – no new leaves yet. I was told it will bloom a very fragrant flower sometimes. This plant was started from a leaf on a larger more mature plant. I was planning on repotting it in the spring, but just not sure what to do with it. Should I trim it back? Thanks!