Are Christmas Trees Poisonous?

A close-up photo of a pine tree branch adorned with Christmas ornaments and lights.

Christmas trees such as firs, pines, and cedar are mildly poisonous, sometimes causing drooling in pets and vomiting in children. The good news is that a child or pet would have to eat quite a bit to become sick and people and pets usually don’t like to eat Christmas trees.  The toxicity of the tree … Read more

Is Mistletoe Poisonous?

A close-up photo of a mistletoe sprig with lush green leaves and pearly white berries, suspended from a tree branch.

The old tradition of kissing under the mistletoe has been around for a very long time, and the temptation for a small child or pet to munch one of the pretty red berries is always there. So is mistletoe really poisonous or is it just an old wives tale? The truth is that it really … Read more