How to Grow a Dichondra Silver Falls Indoors

I’m sending this photo because I haven’t a clue as to what it is. My apartment building has them around the windows. My problem is that now that I have them in my apartment, they seem to be drying out. I love the smell of them. They are soft to the touch & are a silver grey color. What is it?

How to Water a Swedish Ivy Plant

Hello! I keep hearing how easy Swedish Ivy is to grow, but I seem to have trouble! I have ordered plants from two different stores and killed them both. I know I overwatered the first one, so I tried to be more careful with the second. I let it go about a week between waterings (it was pretty humid during that time as well), but it still wilted and started turning brown from the stem up. Any advice? Is there particular soil that would be good for them? Thank you so much!

How to Water a Pencil Cactus

The site says “During the spring and summer allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out before watering. In the fall & winter water once a month.” Exactly how much water do you give once a month? 1 cup? 1 quart? And how often do you water in the spring and summer? I inherited a very large one from a beloved friend that passed, and I’ve inadvertently killed 2/3rd’s of it. I only have one stalk left and I desperately want to keep it alive! It’s the one thing I have left to remember her by. Thank you Judy for any help you can give!

Dragon Tree Leaves Drooping & Turning Brown

Hi Judy, I am a newbie indoor plant care. I bought a new dragon tree from Home Depot last week. Ever since he reached my home he started showing browning leaf tips. I checked the pot and realized soil is bone dry, so I watered him very well. But, no luck, he continued drooping leaf tips with signs of wilting (only on the tips). He was placed in a shady area and I moved him near to window and started misting him twice/thrice daily. Still he is not in love with me. Please help.

Drooping Peace Lily Plant

I have separated my old peace lily that grew too big for the pot and planted in two pots. One is doing just fine and flowering, but the other one is not. I attached the picture. It’s been this way since I re-poted it even though the soil is moist and it gets enough light. Any advice?

Thank you

Hawaiian Schefflera “Trinette” or “Janine”

Hi, Judy,

I got this plant from a friend and neither one of us knows what it is. Can you help?

It’s about 6 in. tall and 6 in. at its widest on top. The stem is about 2.5 in. tall and .25 in. thick.

The leaves range in size from .25 to 2 in. long.

Thank you.

Sedum spurium – “Fools Gold” Sedum

Hi Judy!
I got this plant in a pre-made terrarium of succulents. All of the succulents except this guy died. This plant seems to trail/creep and its leaves are tiny and a little thick – similar to succulents. Leaves have dark green ovals in the middle, light green outside and a sort of reddish/pink tint to the back.
This plant is struggling and I’m not sure how often to water it because I don’t know what kind of plant it it.

Thanks in advance, your help is appreciated!

Why Chinese Evergreen Plants Get Yellow Leaves

    Hi Roberta, The confusing thing about Chinese evergreen plants is that they can get yellow leaves when they are either over or under-watered. Allow the top 25-30% of the soil to dry out before watering. Try to check the soil as far down as possible to see how wet it might be. You can … Read more