Dealing With Jade Plant Pests & Diseases

A potted jade plant in a white ceramic bowl on a wooden table.

Jade plants are one of the most popular and beautiful indoor houseplants. They’re also very easy to care for, making them a great choice for people new to gardening or those with limited time and space. So it’s no surprise that jade plants have earned themselves a spot in many homes worldwide. But even though … Read more

Jade Plant Sunlight Requirements and Growth Tips

A small jade plant with plump, green leaves in a white ceramic pot on a table.

The jade plant (Crassula ovata) is a succulent that originated in South Africa and has been cultivated for thousands of years. It’s also known as money tree, friendship tree and lucky plant. This slow-growing shrub can live for 100 years or more with proper care. Jade plants have thick, fleshy leaves and stems with smooth … Read more

Jade Plant Pruning Practices and Other Growth Tips

A close-up of a jade plant with thick, fleshy leaves. The leaves are a rich jade green color.

Jade plants (Crassula argentea) are succulent houseplants that have thick, waxy leaves and stem. These green leafy plants have a variety of uses, including bedding and table decorations around the home. Jade plants also make excellent hanging baskets for your porch or patio if you live in an area that gets at least 6-8 hours … Read more

20 Types of Jade Plants

A close-up of a group of green jade plants with thick, shiny leaves.

Jade plants are a type of succulent that can grow quite large and are known for their thick leaves and branches. They’re also often used in bonsai, making them a great choice if you’re looking for an easy-care indoor plant. Many different types of jade plants come in various leaf shapes: some long and thin, … Read more

Propagating Jade Plant

Watering a potted Jade plant with a white pitcher. The plant is a jade plant (Crassula arborescens), a succulent plant with thick, fleshy leaves.

The Jade plant, also known as Crassula Ovata, is a popular succulent that is easy to care for and has a unique, charming appearance. One of the best things about the jade plant is that it is incredibly easy to propagate, which means you can easily grow a new plant from an existing one. Propagating … Read more

When and How to Fertilize Jade Plants at Home

A jade plant (Crassula ovata) in a white ceramic pot with a rock on a wooden table.

  Are you a proud owner of a stunning jade plant and wondering how to care for it in the best possible way? Fertilizing your jade plant can be the key to ensuring it stays healthy, vibrant, and beautiful. But when and how to fertilize jade plants at home can be daunting for beginners. This … Read more

Jade Plant Soil Requirements

A jade plant in a pot sitting next to a brick wall.

The jade plant is one of the most popular indoor plants. It’s easy to grow and can tolerate low light and a range of temperatures, making it perfect for your home or office. If you love this beautiful succulent but aren’t sure how to care for it properly, read on! In this article, we’ll cover … Read more

Jade Plant Watering and Maintenance Tips

A jade plant in a white pot on a wooden stool.

Jade plants, or Crassula ovata, are one of the most popular houseplants in the world. Their thick glossy leaves and numerous stems make them look like a miniature tree. As the weather heats up, you might notice that your jade plant is looking a little droopy and sad. Are you wondering if your plant needs … Read more