ZZ Plant as Air Purifier: Myth or Reality?

The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamifolia) is a very popular indoor plant that has been popular for many years. It’s easy to grow, doesn’t need much sunlight and it can even survive in low light conditions! But did you know that this exotic-looking plant can also help clean the air in your home?

You might think that this is just an urban legend but there are real studies about this topic so let’s find out if it really works and how you can use ZZ plants as an effective way to purify your home environment.

About the ZZ Plant

ZZ plant is a hardy plant that is native to South Africa. It’s also known as the Zamioculcas zamiifolia. The ZZ plant grows erect up to 3 feet tall and has leaves that resemble grass blades, but they’re wider and softer in texture than most grasses. The leaves are dark green with white stripes along the edges of some varieties, while others have yellow spots throughout their entire surface area (not just on the edges).

The leaves of this plant are thick and stiff, with a shiny surface. The ZZ plant can be grown indoors or outdoors in USDA zones 8-11. It prefers indirect sunlight but will tolerate full sun as long as the temperature stays above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

History and Importance of ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant is a tropical plant that can be grown indoors. It is also known as the “ZZ” or “ZZ Plant.”The ZZ plant is a species of flowering succulent plant native to Africa, where it grows in southern Africa and Madagascar.

The ZZ plant has been introduced around the world as an ornamental garden subject because of its attractive leaves and slow growth habit; however, it does not grow well outdoors in temperate climates due to its sensitivity to cold weather (USDA zones 8-11).

ZZ Plant as Air Purifier: Myth or Reality?

It’s no secret that ZZ plants are good at absorbing formaldehyde from the air. In fact, they’re so good at it that they’re often used in hospitals and other places where harmful chemicals are present. But is it possible to use them as a substitute for an actual air purifier?

The short answer is no: while you may see some websites claiming that ZZ plants will work as air purifiers (or even better than actual ones), there’s simply not enough research on this topic to support those claims. If you want something that actually removes pollutants from your home environment, we recommend looking into HEPA filters or UV lights–both of which can help reduce harmful toxins in your home without requiring much effort on your part.

There are a few reasons why ZZ plants aren’t good for air purification. First of all, they only remove certain types of chemicals from the air–and not ones that are particularly harmful to humans. Second, there’s no way to control how much formaldehyde they remove–so even if you have one in every room of your house, it may not be enough to make a difference. Third, research has yet to prove that these plants actually absorb formaldehyde at all!

How to Improve Air Quality with ZZ Plant?

ZZ plant is a natural air purifier, and it can be used in rooms with high levels of pollution. The following are some ways you can use the ZZ plant as an air purifier:

  • Place one or more ZZ plants in your bedroom or other room where you spend most of your time. Be sure to place them in a well-lit area that gets direct sunlight for at least 4 hours per day (more is better).
  • Put one or more ZZ plants on each floor of your home–including basement and attic levels–to help remove toxic chemicals from those areas as well., especially if there are sources like mold present.

Best Lighting Conditions for ZZ Plant

If you’re looking for an air purifier that doesn’t require much maintenance and can thrive in low light conditions, the ZZ plant is an excellent choice. In fact, it’s one of the most versatile indoor plants available.

ZZ plants like bright indirect sunlight (but not full sun) and are very tolerant of a wide range of light conditions. They need about 12 hours of light per day for the best growth but will survive in partial shade or even darkness as long as they get enough water and nutrients.

How to Make Your ZZ Plant Thrive

ZZ plants are very low maintenance and don’t need much to thrive. They do, however, require bright light and moderate humidity. If you have a south-facing window that gets a lot of sunlight throughout the day (but not direct sun), your ZZ plant should be happy there. If this isn’t possible or if you want to grow your plant indoors, find another bright location in the house where it can get at least 4 hours of direct sunlight each day.

You only need to water your ZZ Plant once every few weeks! The leaves will turn brown if they aren’t getting enough water so keep an eye on them if this happens; otherwise, feel free not to worry about watering until its next scheduled time!


ZZ plants are beautiful, hardy and easy to care for. They’re great for purifying the air in your home, as well as being low maintenance. If you live in a dry climate or have trouble with indoor air quality, try adding one of these beauties to your indoor space! ZZ Plants can be used as an air purifier in your home and office, but it’s not the only plant out there with this ability. There are many other plants that are just as effective at removing toxic chemicals from the air around them!