What is This Plant? “Celery” Aralia-Polyscias scutellaria

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Hi Judy,
My friend gave me a houseplant because she had no idea how to take care of it and it apparently wasn’t happy where she had it.
I’m struggling to identify what it is! See attached pictures. It seems to have a scent of celery!
Thanks for your help.


Hi Lila,

Your plant is a type of aralia plant (Polyscias scutellaria). It’s nickname is the “Celery” Aralia plant.

How to identify and care for a Celery leaf Aralia

Aralias have very fine roots and are easily over-watered. Always allow the top 1/2 of the soil in the pot to dry out before watering. During the winter when plants are resting, they need even less water.  Aralia plants do best in bright, indirect light but can survive in lower light if you are careful not to over water. Feed an Aralia plant every other month with a plant food high in nitrogen. Always dilute the fertilizer to 1/2 the recommended strength.

You can read all my care tips for an aralia in the Popular Houseplant section of the website. The picture is of a slightly different variety, but the care is the same.