Can I Put My Houseplants Outside Now?

Can I move my houseplants outside now that spring is here?

When to Put Plants Outside:

Houseplants love to go outside in April once the weather warms up. Spring and summer is when they hit their yearly growth spurt and bursting into bloom. Follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be amazed at how much your plants can grow in just a few months. Succulent Jade and Hoya plants, hanging ferns, begonias, and even ficus and rubber tree plants can be beautiful additions to your patio and lawn areas if you follow these simple guide lines.

Long, draping fronds covered in hundreds of green plantlets - Houseplant411  learn how to repot a root=bound Ficus tree    How to identify, grow, and care for a begonia plant.

Boston Fern                   Ficus                    Rubber Tree                   Begonia


Wait until nighttime temperatures are consistently above 55°F (12.8°C) and there is no danger of frost. Move houseplants to your porch or patio gradually; you don’t want to shock them with a sudden change in their environment. Start by setting your plants outdoors for a few hours each day and then bringing them back inside for the night. Increase the time each day until by the end of the week, plants are well settled into their new location.

Where to Put Plants Outside

Do not place houseplants in the direct sun. There are very few indoor plants that can handle direct sun without having their leaves get ugly burn marks. Plants that really belong outdoors but that have been sheltered inside for the cold winter months, such as geraniums, kalanchoes, hibiscus, or jasmine are an exception and can gradually go into direct sun.

Once your plants have acclimated and started to produce new leaves, it’s time to fertilize. Always keep in mind, too much fertilizer is worse than not enough. Excess plant food that’s not absorbed, remains in the soil, burns the roots, and causes brown leaf tips. Making sure the soil is moist when you do feed your plants is another way to help prevent brown leaf tips.

Care Tips

Now that your plants are outside in warm temperatures and getting plenty of bright light, you’ll need to increase the amount of water you give them. Most houseplants can survive being under-watered, but quickly die from root-rot when over–watered, so don’t drown them.

Being outside introduces indoor plants to a whole new group of insects. Keep an eye out for signs that these unwanted visitors may be munching on the leaves and flowers. I often spray my plants with Hot Pepper Wax just as a preventative.

Bringing Plants Back Indoors

Finally, be sure to bring your houseplants back inside before nighttime temperatures get below 50°F( 10°C). In only takes a few minutes for all the beautiful new growth to be damaged by cold air. Carefully check for plant pests before bringing the plants indoors.