Why are my Cyclamen Plants Dying?

Hi Judy, I don’t understand why our cyclamen plants always die. Any tips greatly appreciated. Art & Maggie


Hi Art & Maggie,

Red and white Cyclamen Plant
Cyclamen Plant


After a cyclamen stops flowering (usually in the spring)  it becomes dormant for several months. When this happens, it looks like the plant is dying but don’t throw it out!  Be patient and don’t panic.  When all of the leaves look dead, stop watering, cut off all of the unsightly foliage, and put the plant is a cool area for about 2 months. After this resting period, bring the plant back into the light and give it a good, deep watering. You may even see some new growth at this point. This is a good time to see if the plant needs a slightly larger pot. The new pot should only be s few inches larger that the tuberous root ball of the plant.

You can read all my care tips for a cyclamen plant in the Popular Houseplant section of the website.
