Rubber Tree Plant Plant Care Information

Can you please help me identify this plant? Thank you for your support.


Your plant is a variegated Rubber Tree. Rubber Tree houseplants do best in medium to bright indirect light. The solid green and dark burgundy varieties can adapt to less light, but the stems may be weak and the leaves small.

Rubber Tree houseplants are a little difficult to water. Always allow the top 25-30% of the soil to dry out before watering. Keep the soil even drier when your plant is in lower light or the room temperature is cooler. The leaves of Rubber Tree plants turn yellow from under-water and over-water. Perfectly fine green, burgundy, or variegated leaves may fall off from over- water.

These houseplants do not need much fertilizer. Feed every other month when it is actively growing.

You can read all of my care tips on how to grow a Rubber Tree plant in the Popular Houseplant section of the website.

These plants are considered poisonous and should be kept away from pets and children. Read more about common houseplants that are poisonous in Don’t Feed Me To Your Cat! A Guide to Poisonous Houseplants.