Plant ID: Purple Waffle Plant

I recently bought this trailing plant but I’ve been through several identification guides and I can’t figure out what it is. If you could help, I would greatly appreciate it. The leaves are thin and papery, purple underneath.

Hi Megan,

Green and purple Waffle Plant
Purple Waffle Plant

Your plant is called a Purple Waffle Plant (Hemigraphis exotica). Here are some care tips for you:

Light: Bright indirect light but no direct sun. Direct sun causes the intense color in the leaves to fade.

Water: Keep the soil evenly moist but never soggy.

Fertilizer: Feed with a balanced houseplant food diluted to 1/2 the recommended strength every two weeks in the spring and summer and  monthly in the fall and winter when the plant is actively growing

Humidity: Purple Waffle Plants like high humidity. If your home is dry, place the plant on a wet pebble tray. Place pebbles or small stones in a deep dish or saucer, fill with water to about 1″ below the top of the pebbles.  Set your waffle plant on top of the pebbles, but be sure it never sits directly in the water. Refill water as it evaporates. You can also put a small humidifier in the room.

Soil: Use a good rich potting soil that retains moisture but still drains quickly

Propagation: Easily propagated using 4″-6″ stem cuttings.