Pruning a Crown of Thorns Plant

My Crown of Thorns plant is big and blooms beautifully, but the woody part is too abundant and sprawling. How do I prune it?

Hi Daisy,

You can prune and shape a Crown of Thorns Plant (Euphorbia Milii) after it has finished blooming.  Milky sap will seep out from the cuts in the stems, this can cause dermatitis if it gets on the skin and temporary blindness if it gets in the eyes. The sap is poisonous if ingested. You should cut the stems back to axillary buds or you can remove entire branches to open the plant up and encourage new growth. Start your pruning with any weak or thin branches that are visible. You can read more about Crown of Thorn Plants in the Popular HousePlant section website.

 Pink flowers on Crown Of Thorns Plant
Crown of Thorns Plant
Euphorbia Milii