Ponytail Palm: Identification and Care

Hello Judy,

Can you please tell me the name and care requirements for this plant?


Ben B
Brussels, Belgium


How to Care for a Ponytail Palm

Your plant is a Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata). A Ponytail Palm is not really a palm. It is a relative of the Yucca plant, a member of the Agave family, and closely related to the Lily Plant. A Ponytail Palm,  sometimes referred to as a Bottle Palm or  Elephant Foot, is a slow growing very different looking plant that thrives on neglect.

Quick Care Tips

Place a Ponytail Palm in bright light,

Over- watering is about the only way to kill a Ponytail Palm

Warm temperatures above 60°F

Watch out for mealy bugs and scale

Keeping the plant in a small pot limits the size of a Ponytail Palm

You can read all of my care tips for a Ponytail Palm in the Popular HousePlant section of the website.
