Plant Getting Brown Leaves

This plant was more upright when I bought it, but is now spreading out (leaves lowering). Also several leaves have turned brown and died. How can I keep it healthy? Thanks!

Hi Deb,

Green, red, and cream colored Dracaena marginata tricolor.
Dracaena marginata tricolor

Your plant is called a Dracaena marginata tricolor. This is a stalk plant and it is okay for it to lose bottom leaves as long as it develops new leaves on top. Here is what a mature dracaena looks like. It is the solid green variety but the growth pattern is the same.

Green, narrow leaf dracaena marginata
Dracaena marginata

You can read all of my care tips for a dracaena marginata in the Popular Houseplant section of the website.

Dracaena marginata plants are considered by some to be slightly poisonous, especially to dogs and cats. Read more about common houseplants that are poisonous in Don’t Feed Me To Your Cat! A Guide to Poisonous Houseplants.
