How to Propagate a Christmas Cactus

How and when should I propagate my Christmas Cactus. Mine is really big and my sister wants to have one also.

Hi Michelle,

A Christmas Cactus is easily propagated by stem cuttings during the spring and summer. Use several three jointed segments from healthy stems on your current Christmas Cactus. Allow the stem cuttings to dry out for several hours and form a hardened callus on the end before planting them; this helps prevent stem rot from developing.

Plant the cuttings about 1″-2″ deep in a small 4″ pot that has drip holes in the bottom. Use a loose soil that drains quickly. Cover the cuttings with plastic or put the entire pot in a clear plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. Keep the soil on the dry side to prevent the new roots from staying wet too long and disintegrating. The roots take about 3 or 4 weeks to develop.

Pink Christmas Cactus Plant
Christmas Cactus Plant

You can read all my care tips on how to grow a Christmas Cactus in the Popular Houseplant section of the website.