Houseplant is a Desert Rose, a Type of Caudiciform

Hello Judy,

My friends bought a new house and upon move-in discovered that the previous owners had abandoned this houseplant. I adopted it, determined to keep it alive. Can you identify it so I can research what kind of watering/feeding/light it prefers?

Thank you.


Hi Adriana,

Your plant is a type of Caudiciform called a Desert Rose.  A Desert Rose is a unique looking succulent  with a thick bulbous  base.

A Desert Rose plant requires bright indirect light but no direct sun.

The fat bulbous base of a Desert Rose stores water, so always allow the soil to just about dry out before watering. If the soil becomes excessively dry, the plant becomes dormant; once you give the plant a little water, it quickly starts growing again.

Feed a Desert Rose plant with a fertilizer for flowering plants. The plant food should be lower in nitrogen and higher in phosphorous (10/20/10). Feed monthly from late spring until early fall. Always dilute your plant food to one half the recommended strength.

You can read all my care tips in the Popular Houseplant section of the website.