How to Care for an Easter Lily Plant

We love Easter Lilly plants but always kill them. Any hints to help make us more successful this year??

Hi Todd,

White Easter Lily Plant
Easter Lily Plant

When buying an Easter Lily Plant select a medium sized compact plant that has numerous dark green leaves down to the soil line and flowers in different stages of opening. There should be just one or two partially open blooms, and three or four plump unopened buds. That way you’ll have flowers opening and lasting for several days.

Easter Lily Plants need bright indirect light but no direct sun.

Water an Easter Lily Plant when the first inch or two of soil is dry. Be careful not to over water or to allow the Easter Lily Plant to sit in water. Many Easter Lily Plants come in a decorative wrap. Remove this wrap when watering so excess water can drain freely from the Easter Lily plant and allow the plant to air out before replacing the wrap. When buying an Easter Lily Plant, avoid plants that have soggy soil, since may indicate root rot.

It’s not necessary to fertilize an Easter Lily Plant while it is in bloom. However, once all of the blooms are gone, and you’ve placed the Easter Lily Plant in a sunny spot indoors or planted it outdoors, fertilize about every six weeks with a slow release plant food.

Easter Lilies prefer moderate to cool temperatures, 60-75 during the day and 55-65 at night. Like many other flowering plants, they do not do well in drafts or placed near fireplaces, heating vents, or appliances that give off heat.

As the fragrant flowers of an Easter Lily Plant develop, cut off the yellow anthers at the center of the flower. This helps the lilies last longer and prevents the pollen from ruining the lovely white blooms. Easter Lily will not re-bloom indoors.

These plants are considered poisonous and should be kept away from pets and children. Read more about common houseplants that are poisonous in Don’t Feed Me To Your Cat! A Guide to Poisonous Houseplants.

You can read all of my care tips for an Easter Lily plant in the Popular Houseplant section of the website.