Houseplant Identified as Hindu Rope Plant

I am having a very hard time identifying this plant I inherited recently. Can you tell me what my plant is?



Your plant is called a Hindu Rope Plant. Unique Hindu Rope houseplants, Hoya carnosa compacta, are draping succulent vines that produce clusters of star-shaped waxy flowers. The thick, twisted, curly, cupped leaves of a Hindu Rope Plant are why it’s often called Krinkle Kurl. Hindu Rope HousePlants can be found in solid green or with variegated leaves. This type of Hoya Plant is very easy to care for as long as you have plenty of light and are careful with your water. This is what a Hindu Rope Plant looks like in bloom.

Pink waxy flowers, curly green leaves on Hindu Rope Plant
Hindu Rope Plant
Hoya Compacta

You can read my care tips on how to grow a Hindu Rope Plant in the Popular Houseplant section of the website.