Houseplant Identification, PLEASE!!

I have a plant, green thick glossy leaves, red stem and can’t seem to find any identification. It propagated well (I got it from a propagation class I went to but the teacher didn’t know the name.

Hi Nan,

Your plant is a called a Peperomia (Little Rubber Plant).

There are over 1000 varieties of peperomia plants. All peperomia plants, which belong to the Pepper Family, are semi- succulents with very similar care requirements. The leaves, thick and plump, rippled, smooth, or shiny, can be various shades of green, red, gray, and cream. The pattern on the leaves may be marbled, striped, or a solid color. Indoors, mature peperomia plants never grow taller than 12”-18″ and are ideal for tables.  You can read all my care tips in the Popular Houseplant section of the website.