What houseplant is this?

Hello Judy, I just got this from a farmers market and no one knew what this house plant was. Do you know?

Hi Alex,

Your plant is called a variegated “teardrop”peperomia.

Peperomia plants grow well in bright indirect light provided by a west or east-facing window. These plants even grow under fluorescent lights. Insufficient light causes the slow growing peperomia plant to stop growing all together. Direct sunlight burns the leaves.

Allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out before you water. Over-watering, resulting in root-rot, is the main cause of serious peperomia plant problems. It’s best to water these plants from the bottom. This technique keeps the leaves dry and helps prevent plant diseases. The thick leaves of peperomia plants hold water and allow the plant to withstand long periods without moisture.

You can read all my care tips in the Popular Houseplant section of the website. The picture is of a very different peperomia variety, but the care is the same.
