How to Propagate a Moses in the Cradle Plant

I bought this plant months ago. I think it’s some kind of ivy plant. It does amazing. Unfortunately, I broke off 3 vines while cleaning. They are very long vines. Can they be rooted in water or can I just stick them in the dirt?

Hi Terri,

Purple Moses in the Cradle Plant
Moses in the Cradle Plant

Your plant is not an ivy. It’s a type of Moses in the Cradle plant. The scientific name is Tradescantia spathacea. Moses in the Cradle Plants are easily propagated using stem clippings. Use pieces of stem 4-6″ in length with at least three leaves on each piece. You can plant the cuttings directly into the soil. Read more about this plant in the Popular Houseplant section of the website. The picture is of a different variety, but the care is the same.