Plants Poisonous to Cats

Hi Judy
I have this houseplant and I think it might be making my kitten sick… I’m not sure what it is! Please help!


I can’t tell for sure what the plant is from this picture. I think it is a type of dracaena marginata. Please email me a brighter closeup of the front of an entire leaf and describe the size, color, and texture. Will be back in touch as soon as I get the new pictures and information. This is what the top of a dracaena marginata looks like. Does it resemble your plant a little?

These plants are not considered poisonous to humans, but dracaena marginatas are extremely poisonous to dogs and cats with a #2 toxicity level. You might want to read more about plants poisonous to cats in my book Don’t Feed Me To Your Cat! A Guide to Poisonous Houseplants.

If I have the right plant, you can read all my care tips for a Dracaena Marginata in the Popular Houseplant section of the website: